Hello to you all - A blog...something I thought of doing many times yet for me the perfectionist, I knew it would take quite a bit of time even constructing the most simple post and I try to dedicate my free time to completing orders and designing new ones...but...who needs sleep right? LOL Since there are so many rules and regulations popping up on various networking sites I knew that in order to offer my customers 'more', I would have to get this going. You all are so very important to me and make my work such a joy. I am grateful to each and every one of you. This blog will give me a chance to get a little more personal with you and also let you know who is behind all of this.
Who is Castlegate? Who am I?
Well...that is me over to the right with our two beautiful daughters. I need to get a family photo taken soon so you can see the mister too!
Castlegate Crochet Boutique started with a five year old girl who's grandmother decided to give her the most wonderful gift. Irene Barth, my grandmother taught me the basics on how to crochet. I would make my Barbie and stuffed animals outfits (not from a pattern and not so good looking of course) and begin to learn through trial and error...lots of trial and error. As I got older family members learned how to hold their tongue when they would receive my hand crafted goodies for Christmas like the fall back scarves and even slippers once. My mother decided to send me to lessons and the very patient teacher taught me how to read patterns which really helped me along. From there I tried different fibers and designs finding new ways to create, become faster with my fingers and even started creating my own patterns.
Skipping along a couple decades....I met Larry, had two little angels come into my life and wanted a way to stay home with them and earn a little income. A friend of mine (yes, you Robin) told me of a crafter's website named Etsy and said..."You should check it out", so....I did. That led to, slowly but surely, growing a small business and a dream. I started a FB page and it grew even bigger and now...here I am...starting a blog.
I am a wife, a mother, a Christian woman and a trustworthy friend. I will enjoy getting to know all of you just as I have been blessed to meet so many wonderful people on FB already!